The Design Cycle
So here's what I should be following :-)
-here goes...
- Write down your chosen design and write an initial brief.
- Write down the attributes.
- Fill out a Gantt chart to show how you plan to design and make your technological outcome.
- Research existing products and analyse them showing what is good and bad about them.
- Produce conceptual ideas for your project.
- Produce some technological models (drawings, card models, 3D Models, Models of parts of your design) to show what your project will look and how it will work.
- Write an updated brief with attributes and specifications based on your work so far.
- Evaluate your models and write down how what you make changes your final design and outcome.
- Make your technological model.
- Evaluate and review your final outcome including feedback from your stakeholders saying how you would do things differently next time.
-Lorna Crallan :-)