Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Thursday 14th June 2012

Google Sketch-up Project

TASK: Watch the four 'Getting Started' videos by Google Sketchup (Link to Sketchup Youtube Channel below), follow the steps and create whatever they do, eg: a basic house, interiors, etc.

So far I've watched 3 Parts of 4, each of which teaches you to navigate sketchup and create a mini-project.

In Part 1 we don't create anything-its more about getting started, choosing the correct template, navigating sketchup, efficiently using sketchup tools, etc.

In Part 2 we create a basic house using tools such as push pull, the move tool, orbit, panning, zoom, offset, etc. (See earlier posts for screen shots of my house).

In Part 3 we create a detailed interior of a house. I've tried this mini-proj three times and it's beginning to frustrate me.The first, Sketchup crashed on me, the second I must've used the wrong tool because it came out super deformed and the last I ran out of time to finish. I have decided not to spend anymore time to complete this project as I now have the skills I need to create a detailed orthographic drawing of my Flower Box. The steps kinda repeat itself, so I'm not missing out on much :-).

Steps Completed in the 3 of 4 Periods I've been using Sketchup:
  • Creating the interior of a basic house (with awesome windows).
  •  Learned to use simple tools such as push pull, the move tool, orbit, panning, zoom, offset, the eraser, the move tool, etc.
I've learned this among other things but don't plan on progressing forward in Sketchup because I now have all the skills I need. I'd love to learn more about sketchup, but as for now I'll leave my Sketchup skills as is.

Yeow, this' getting real long. Jumping off,
-i'm out.

(PS: Googke Stekchup Channel:

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