Google Sketch-up Project
TASK: Watch the four 'Getting Started' videos by Google Sketchup (Link to Sketchup Youtube Channel below), follow the steps and create whatever they do, eg: a basic house, interiors, etc.
So far I've watched 3 Parts of 4, each of which teaches you to navigate sketchup and create a mini-project.
In Part 1 we don't create anything-its more about getting started, choosing the correct template, navigating sketchup, efficiently using sketchup tools, etc.
In Part 2 we create a basic house using tools such as push pull, the move tool, orbit, panning, zoom, offset, etc. (See earlier posts for screen shots of my house).
In Part 3 we create a detailed interior of a house. I've tried this mini-proj three times and it's beginning to frustrate me.The first, Sketchup crashed on me, the second I must've used the wrong tool because it came out super deformed and the last I ran out of time to finish. I have decided not to spend anymore time to complete this project as I now have the skills I need to create a detailed orthographic drawing of my Flower Box. The steps kinda repeat itself, so I'm not missing out on much :-).
Steps Completed in the 3 of 4 Periods I've been using Sketchup:
- Creating the interior of a basic house (with awesome windows).
- Learned to use simple tools such as push pull, the move tool, orbit, panning, zoom, offset, the eraser, the move tool, etc.
Yeow, this' getting real long. Jumping off,
-i'm out.
(PS: Googke Stekchup Channel:
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